Minoan Designs

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Minoan Design I: Psychedelic Kaleidoscopic Colorful Decorative – Etsy

minoanMy Minoan Designs are a mixture of original images in what I hope is a Minoan style and stolen images. The Minoans from whom I stole the stolen images, however, I think are past caring. Minoan frescoes and pottery are treasure troves of design. We have so many evocative, expressive images from their culture and nothing else to go on. It is like watching an exciting silent movie with a complicated plot, big chunks missing, and no subtitles.

Thunderbird Wings

Thunderbird Wings Print Digital Art Print – Etsy

Another very minimal work, a study in triangles, my Thunderbird Wings compositions use standard Paint shapes, but, as with my lozenge compositions, I just eyeball them, I don’t measure them or regularize them. The result: imperfections. Japanese chawan, or teacup, craftspeople, I understand, make sure every cup they make has a flaw. So do I. Sometimes not on purpose. I just called them Thunderbird Wings because the triangular effect reminded me of them. Thunderbirds strike some subconscious chord in me. I hope to make some more, maybe some closer to the American Indian-style image.

Thunderbird (mythology) – Wikipedia