Folded-Over Potato Chips Maker

potato chips

Digging for those tastiest-of-all folded-over potato chips? Dig no more with the “FOLDED POTATO CHIPS MAKER.”

Have you ever noticed that the best-tasting deep-fried potato chips are the folded-over ones? Have you ever found yourself digging through the bag for the folded-over chips?

And yet, only about a quarter of the chips in any given bag are usually folded over.

What causes potato chips to fold over?

Because raw potato slices that are a little bit thinner in the middle naturally fold over in the deep-frying process.

And so, I designed a wire slicer (using the same design as a standard wire slicer for vegetables and hard-boiled eggs) to make slices that will fold over.


Each wire in the wire slicer has a wire OVAL in the middle that cuts out a little slot at the center of each potato slice, to make it slightly thinner in the middle. (See diagram)

I also thought of a way to mass produce folded-over potato ships.


1. A conveyor belt carries the raw potato slices at an angle down into a vat of boiling oil.
2. Two arms guide a pinch-wire to hold down the middle of each raw potato slice in a row.
3. A row of air sprayers sprays the front half of the row of raw potato slices back.
4. The raw potato slices descend into the boiling oil and cook in a folded-over shape.


Manufacturers of deep-fried potato chips who want to draw more customers, or who need a new improvement to help sales. People who like potato chips. Home-made potato-chip makers who like folded-over potato chips best.

No more digging. The whole bag is full of folded-over potato chips.

I love folded-over potato chips
Halfbakery: folded potato chips

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